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Worm holes are possible ! ! !

Quantum tunnel it is a new concept of modern physics. Since last decade quantum mechanics is successor over classical physics rules at quantum level. It will help us better for understanding of matter. Starting from matter, it a composition of atoms , nuclei , nucleons , electron, etc. their size from 10^-11  to 10^-15 . At this quantum level ,long range forces (like Gravity)become very weak. And strong forces like nuclear force, Wander waal force ( little weak) , Electrostatic force , Inter-atomic force of Gluons came up. Due to this it changes the whole structure of time at quantum level. Let's us understand how it works -- Nucleus is final density of matter it is equivalent to density of atom at center of Black holes,or other stellar bodies in universe. According to theory of Relativity , gravitational force can bend space and time and increase in gravitational forces literally Squeeze time and space. ( Ex: any stellar massive body) . Then what is its relation to Quantum le

Why magnetic poles of earth are moving?

What is reason behind earths magnetic field is constantly diverting around  geographic North pole?

As everyone knows that the core of earth ( a solid ball composition of iron and nickel ) floats over Secondary core ( which is after mantle )  exists in liquid state, and that is enough to make dance magnetic field.

Let us understand, Sun is our host star and has giant and strong magnetic fields , now here is the point to understand that sun has not uniform magnetic field like earth has, as sun is whole nuclear giant with high frequency rotation around its own axis it generates about 0.15 Tesla strength of magnetic field which is very strong as compared to Earth's (0.00003 Tesla). And sometime  fluctuation in magnetic field of sun due to solar flayers ejection ( which forms Black Spots on Sun ) generates about 0.3 Tesla intensity of magnetic fields which triggers weak earth's magnetic field.

Now let's come to our original issue, due to strong impact of sun magnetic field of earth shakes (and by law of conservation of energy  the dipole movements of both magnetic fields are balanced ) . So, for balancing earth's magnetic field its core slightly rotates towards favourable region results change in magnetic poles. According to latest report it is moving towards Siberia and its speed is nearly about 55Km/year which is to fast.
People think that is there any phenomenon like inverting poles, answer is yes. It is a very very rare phenomenon happenes only in case of when earth came in exposure of tremendous blast of magnetic field intensity .  ( Generally happens in case of near by supernova explosion or any neutron star merger or similar activities,etc )
Because earth has its own strong magnetic field, it saves earth from hazardous solar wind and cosmic radiation which can bolow up and completely ionize earth's atmosphere like Mars.

Sun's radiation and magnetic fields are harmful still they are helpful to us to save us from inter galactic cosmic radiation which is too harmful, by radiation pressure of sun. 


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Worm holes are possible ! ! !

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