Quantum tunnel it is a new concept of modern physics. Since last decade quantum mechanics is successor over classical physics rules at quantum level. It will help us better for understanding of matter. Starting from matter, it a composition of atoms , nuclei , nucleons , electron, etc. their size from 10^-11 to 10^-15 . At this quantum level ,long range forces (like Gravity)become very weak. And strong forces like nuclear force, Wander waal force ( little weak) , Electrostatic force , Inter-atomic force of Gluons came up. Due to this it changes the whole structure of time at quantum level. Let's us understand how it works -- Nucleus is final density of matter it is equivalent to density of atom at center of Black holes,or other stellar bodies in universe. According to theory of Relativity , gravitational force can bend space and time and increase in gravitational forces literally Squeeze time and space. ( Ex: any stellar massive body) . Then what is its relation to Quantum le...
Saturn's rings are younger than scientist thought and appeared within the last 10 to 100 million years, according to research published recently based on the path breaking findings from NASA Cassini spacecraft.
Some of these answers have come into sharp focus because of Cassini, an unmanned US-European probe that launched in 1997 and ended in 2017 with a planned death plunge into Saturn's surface.
The sixth planet of earth from the Sun formed about 4.5 billion years ago, along with the rest of the planets in our solar system, and spent bulk of its existence without the characteristic rings it is known for today.
Astronomers have long believed the rings could be young, and perhaps formed by collision between the moons of Saturn or by the comet that shattered in close proximity to the planet.
At the end of is mission Cassini made 22 orbits,circling between Saturn and its rings, getting closer to them than any spacecraft in history.
By studying how the flight path of Cassini was deflected by the gravity of the rings, scientists were able to deduce the ring's mass and approximate age.
"Only by getting close to Saturn in Cassini's final orbits were able to gather measurements to make new discoveries," said lead author Luciano Iess of Sapienza University of Rome.
Understanding the rings age and mass is "a fundamental goal of its mission," he added.
A lesser mass indicates younger rings because as they age,the rings would attract more debris and grow heavier.
The rings are made up of 99% ice.The study did not delve into the question of were the rings came from, but supported theories such as a comet or moon collision.
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